`Citizen science: new epistemological, political and ethical challenges”. International workshop, Université de Lyon, France, June 6-7, 2019.
Keynote speakers
Call for paper | Programme | Booklet | Presentations given at the workshop
– B. Bedessem and S. Ruphy « Citizen science and scientific objectivity: mapping out epistemic risks and benefits », Perspectives on Science, forthcoming.
– B. Bedessem « Sciences participatives : enjeux épistémologiques », Lato Sensu, 7 : 1-16, 2020 pdf
– Ruphy, S. « Public participation in the setting of research and innovation agenda: virtues and challenges from a philosophical perspective ». In Innovation beyond technology: Science for society and interdisciplinary approaches. Y. Fujigaki, S. Laugier et S. Lechevalier (Eds.), Springer, 243-263, 2019
Invited lectures :
- Ruphy, S. « Does scientific research need to be more inclusive to be more relevant and useful? », Workshop « Building deliberative democracy: insights from citizen science », Venice, 19 December 2019
- Ruphy , S. “Can the virtues of participative democracy be imported in scientific research? Political and epistemological prospects (and challenges) of citizen science”, workshop “Science, Freedom, Democracy”, Budapest, 8-9 July 2019
- Ruphy, S. « Pluralism in science and democracy: prospects and challenges of public engagement with science ». Workshop « Scientific Findings and Democratic Ideals », Columbia University, New-York, 6-7 December 2018•
- Ruphy, S. « Does scientific research need to me more inclusive to be more responsible? Prospects (and challenges) of public participation in science », workshop « Integrity and Responsibility in Science: Navigating through Conflicting Social and Epistemic Demands », Bielefeld, 18-20 October 2018
International conference with program committee :
- S. Ruphy and B. Bedessem « Citizen science: a challenge to scientific objectivity?”, 7th Biennal Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA), Geneva, 11-13 September 2019
– S. Ruphy `Chercheurs et experts : quelles missions et quelles responsabilités aujourd’hui?”. Conferences `Science et Société” (Grenoble, LETI, CEA, 2 juillet 2018).
– S. Ruphy Discussion panel “Sciences et techniques : consommateurs ou participants?”. Conferences “Le progrès a-t-il un avenir?” (Paris, Cité des Sciences, 17 mai 2018).
– S. Ruphy `Sciences citoyennes, oui, mais comment?” The Conversation, 22 mai 2018.
– S. Ruphy `Quels models pour quels objectifs de la recherche ?”. Workshop “Le bon gouvernement de la recherche” (Paris, Collège de France, 13 octobre 2017).
Working group meetings
October, 9, 2018 “Objectivity and epistemic risks”
January, 9, 2019 “Insights on epistemic injustice and scientific responsibility from PSA 2018”
January, 30, 2019 “Epistemic diversity: benefits and limitations”
March, 7, 2019 “Philosophical perspective on the democratization of science”