`Citizen science: new epistemological, political and ethical challenges ». International workshop, Université de Lyon, France, June 6-7, 2019.
Keynote speakers
Call for paper | Programme | Booklet | Presentations given at the workshop
– B. Bedessem and S. Ruphy « Citizen science and scientific objectivity: mapping out epistemic risks and benefits », under evaluation
– B. Bedessem « Sciences participatives : enjeux épistémologiques », Lato Sensu, 7 : 1-16, 2020 pdf
– Ruphy, S. « Public participation in the setting of research and innovation agenda: virtues and challenges from a philosophical perspective ». In Innovation beyond technology: Science for society and interdisciplinary approaches. Y. Fujigaki, S. Laugier et S. Lechevalier (Eds.), Springer, 243-263, 2019
Invited lectures :
- Ruphy, S. « Does scientific research need to be more inclusive to be more relevant and useful? », Workshop « Building deliberative democracy: insights from citizen science », Venice, 19 December 2019
- Ruphy , S. “Can the virtues of participative democracy be imported in scientific research? Political and epistemological prospects (and challenges) of citizen science”, workshop “Science, Freedom, Democracy”, Budapest, 8-9 July 2019
- Ruphy, S. « Pluralism in science and democracy: prospects and challenges of public engagement with science ». Workshop « Scientific Findings and Democratic Ideals », Columbia University, New-York, 6-7 December 2018•
- Ruphy, S. « Does scientific research need to me more inclusive to be more responsible? Prospects (and challenges) of public participation in science », workshop « Integrity and Responsibility in Science: Navigating through Conflicting Social and Epistemic Demands », Bielefeld, 18-20 October 2018
International conference with program committee :
- S. Ruphy and B. Bedessem « Citizen science: a challenge to scientific objectivity?”, 7th Biennal Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA), Geneva, 11-13 September 2019
`Chercheurs et experts : quelles missions et quelles responsabilités aujourd’hui? ». Conferences `Science et Société » (Grenoble, LETI, CEA, 2 juillet 2018).
Discussion panel « Sciences et techniques : consommateurs ou participants? ». Conferences « Le progrès a-t-il un avenir? » (Paris, Cité des Sciences, 17 mai 2018).
`Sciences citoyennes, oui, mais comment? » The Conversation, 22 mai 2018.
`Quels models pour quels objectifs de la recherche ? ». Workshop « Le bon gouvernement de la recherche » (Paris, Collège de France, 13 octobre 2017).
Working group meetings
October, 9, 2018 « Objectivity and epistemic risks »
January, 9, 2019 « Insights on epistemic injustice and scientific responsibility from PSA 2018 »
January, 30, 2019 « Epistemic diversity: benefits and limitations »
March, 7, 2019 « Philosophical perspective on the democratization of science »