Members’ oral presentations

05th September 2018
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Policies of research oversight and funding: debunking some preconceived underlying assumptions »
→ “Science’s Voice of Reflection: The philosopher of science as part of the scientific endeavour” – Conference of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Conference Link

27th July 2018
Haris Shekeris : «The State as facilitator and knowledge broker in the agora»
→ EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology) 2018 Conference, Lancaster, UK
Conference Link

23rd July 2018
Haris Shekeris : « A science for the times: Sustainability science as communitarian techno-science »
→The Changing Political Economy of Research & Innovation (CPERI) 6th Annual International Workshop, Lancaster, UK
Conference Link

5th July 2018
Baptiste Bedessem, Renaud Fine, Haris Shekeris : Symposium organised as part of the SPS conference « Fondements politiques et épistémologiques d’une démocratisation de la gouvernance des sciences: problémes et perspectives »
→ 7ème Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences (SPS), Nantes, France
Conference Link

5th July 2018
Ismaël Benslimane : « Peut-on prédire les délits par l’analyse des données massives ? Questions épistémologiques et éthiques appliquées à l’algorithme PredPol»
→ 7ème Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences (SPS), Nantes, France
Conference Link

02nd July 2018
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Chercheurs et experts: quelles missions et quelles responsabilités aujourd’hui? »
→ Seminar Cycle “Science et société”  – LETI (CEA), Grenoble, France

29th June – 2nd July 2018
Renaud Fine : Poster Presentation «Ordinary Citizens vs Stakeholders: Which ‘public’ should participate in well-ordered science?»
→ 7th Biennial Conference – Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP), Ghent, Belgium
Conference Link

29th June 2018
Ismaël Benslimane : « Le paradoxe du mal nécessaire – Quand une norme éthique contraignante peut favoriser le progrèss : le cas de l’abolition de la propriété intellectuelle»
→ 4th International Conference Economics and Philosophy – Norms and Normativity, Lyon, France
Conference Link

29th May 2018
Renaud Fine : « Ordinary citizens vs stakeholders: Which ‘public’ should participate in well-ordered science?  »
→ Closing International Workshop of the ANR DEMOCRASCI project: “Democratisation of Science – epistemological issues and new perspectives”, Lyon, France
Workshop Link

29th May 2018
Haris Shekeris : « CIVISTI and the ideal conversation: A comparison of two modes of setting the scientific research agenda »
→ Closing International Workshop of the ANR DEMOCRASCI project: “Democratisation of Science – epistemological issues and new perspectives”, Lyon, France
Workshop Link

17th May 2018
Stéphanie Ruphy : Participation at round-table panel discussion, topic « Sciences et techniques : consommateurs ou participants? »
→  Conference Cycle “Le progrès a-t-il un avenir?” – Cité des sciences, Paris, France

Discussion Link

13th October 2017
Stéphanie Ruphy : «Quels modèles pour quels objectifs de la recherche ? »
→ Conference “Le bon gouvernement de la recherche, pour une pluralité des modèles de la recherche” – Collège de France, Paris, France
Conference Link

6th-9th September 2017
Baptiste Bedessem : Poster Presentation « Exploring the unknown? A pragmatist perspective on the governance of science »
→ 6th Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Exeter, England

Conference Link

31st August – 2nd September 2017
Haris Shekeris : « Trust in Science, Wicked problems and Democracy »
→ Workshop “Trust, Expert Opinion and Policy”, Dublin, Ireland
Workshop Link

30th August 2017
Stéphanie Ruphy : Lecture « What is a responsible scientist? »,
ENPOSS17 (European School on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies)

6th – 8th July 2017
Haris Shekeris : «Expert groups, policy-making and living together »
→ Workshop “Information, Epistemic Norms, and Democratic Choice – Beyond and Below the State” – Raitenhaslach, Germany
Conference Announcement Link (in German)

7th – 9th June 2017
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Science et valeurs », Invited Talk
→ Conference “Ethique de la recherche et responsabilité sociale” – Université de Lyon, Lyon France
Conference Programme Link
Video link

7th – 9th June 2017
Haris Shekeris : « Scientists’ guidance in the formulation of STI policy – a necessity or a hurdle to democratisation? »
→ “The Future of STI – The Future of STI Policy” – Eu-SPRI Annual Conference, Vienna Austria
Conference Link

17th – 19th May 2017
Haris Shekeris : Poster presentation : « Citizen-led or scientist-led futures? »
→ 3rd European Technology Assessment Conference, Cork, Ireland
Conference Link

12th – 13th April 2017
Haris Shekeris : « Scientific expert committees, wicked problems and procedure »
→ Workshop “Group decision-making in scientific expert committees”, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Workshop Link

14th March 2017
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Recherche libre vs. recherche finalisée : l’inattendu n’est pas toujours où on l’attend »,
“Science et société” Seminar, SPH, Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, France

11th January 2017
Stéphanie Ruphy : « L’imprévisibilité en science, un argument pour la liberté de recherche? »,
Grandes conférences Archives Poincaré, Nancy, France

28th November 2016
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Can public engagement with science improve scientific knowledge and expertise? »,
SCIECONS – Science and Conspiracy Conference, University of Padua, Italy

16th – 17th November 2016
Haris Shekeris : Conference participation : Public Engagement for Research, Practice and Policy – Exploring Policy Options for Responsible Research, Sustainability and Innovation,
→ CASI and PE2020 High-level Policy Conference, Brussels, Belgium
Conference Link

7th November 2016
Renaud Fine, Haris Shekeris, Ismaël Benslimane : Workshop participation : Séminaire Recherche et Innovation Responsables
→ Workshop at La Casemate – Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Workshop Link

3rd November 2016
Baptiste Bedessem, Stephanie Ruphy : « Serendipity : An argument for scientific freedom ? »
→ The Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) Biennial Meeting, 2016, United States
Conference Link

29th September 2016
Renaud Fine : « Ordonner la science dans une société démocratique »,
→ Rencontres Doctorales Internationales de Philosophie des Sciences (RDIPS), Paris, France
Workshop Link

12-14 September 2016
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Public participation in scientific and technological choices »,
→ International conference « Innovation beyond technique »  Tokyo, Japan

4-6 September 2016
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Scientific freedom vs. political control of the sciences agenda: how philosophy of science can help reconcile the two »,
The Pond Inaugural Conference, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Video link (on Youtube)

28th August 2016
Stéphanie Ruphy : Lecture « What is a responsible scientist? »,
ENPOSS16 (European School on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies)

8th July 2016
Renaud Fine : « A non-ideal way of democratizing scientific policies? »,
→ Univie Summer School – Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)   Summer School theme : “Science, Values, and Democracy?”, Vienna, Austria
Summer School Link

29th June – 1st July 2016
Baptiste Bedessem, Stephanie Ruphy : « L’imprévisibilité de la science: un argument pour la liberté de la recherche? La découverte des ARNi comme étude de cas »
→ 6ème conférence de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference Link

8-11th March 2016
Torsten Wilholt : « Cognitive Interests and Scientific Objectivity »,
GWP2016, International Conference of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
Conference Link

27th January 2016
Vincent Guillin : « ‘Vivre au grand jour” : Structure normative de la science et régulation morale des savants chez Auguste Comte », Invited Talk
→ Université Laval, Faculté de philosophie, Québec, Canada

January 2016
Julian Reiss : « Truth and the myth of objectivity in economics », Invited Talk
→ National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

11th January 2016
Stéphanie Ruphy : « What is a responsible scientist? »,
→ Conference-debate, ERCA 2016 (European Research Course on Atmospheres), Grenoble, France

3rd December 2015
Vincent Guillin : «The Normative Structure of Science and the Moral Regulation of Scientists: Sociological Analysis and Institutional Polemics in Auguste Comte»
→ DEMOCRASCI Workshop, The Value-Free Ideal in Economics Workshop Durham University, Durham, England
Conference Link

5-6th November 2015
Torsten Wilholt : « Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research » , Invited talk
→ Workshop, “10 Jahre IZWT / A Decade of Science and Technology Research: Past Insights & Future Challenges”, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany

28-29th October 2015
Torsten Wilholt : « The Constructive Functions of Dissent in Science and Their Limitations », Invited talk
→ International conference, “The Epistemic Role of Manufactured Dissent in Climate Science KIT/ITAS”, Karlsruhe, Germany

12th October 2015
Torsten Wilholt : « The Ongoing Quest for a Substantial Conception of Objectivity »
→Workshop “Values and Theories: A Workshop on the Occasion of Martin Carrier’s 60th Birthday”, ZiF, Bielefeld, Germany
Workshop Link

27th September 2015
Julian Reiss : « Truth and the myth of objectivity in economics »
→ 6th CES International seminar on the foundations of economics, Lisbon, Portugal

24th September 2015
Torsten Wilholt : « Why and in What Sense Ought Scientific Research to Be Free? », Invited talk
→ Distinguished Lecturer Series of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

23-26th September 2015
Baptiste Bedessem : Poster Presentation « Serendipity: An argument for scientific freedom? »
→ 5th Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Düsseldorf, Germany

Conference Link

June 2015
Julian Reiss : « Truth and the myth of objectivity in economics », Invited keynote address
→ Metaeconomics conference, Gdansk, Poland

2nd-3rd June 2015
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Public participation in the setting of research agenda: challenges from a philosophical perspectives »
→ International Workshop “Engaging Society in Innovation and Creativity: Perspectives from Social Sciences and Humanities”, CNRS/EHESS-FFJ-JST/RISTEX, Paris, France
Workshop Programme Link

27th May 2015
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Traiter la politique d’une manière positive » : empirisme sociologique, expertise scientifique et expérimentalisme social dans la « philosophie positive » d’Auguste Comte »
→ Congrès de la Société de Philosophie du Québec, Rimouski, Canada

6-7th March 2015
Torsten Wilholt : « Epistemology and Scientific Autonomy », Invited talk
→ Dansk Filosofisk Selskabs Årsmøde 2015: Frihed og nødvendighed (conference of the Danish philosophical society), Aarhus Universitet, Denmark

6th January 2015
Stéphanie Ruphy : « Quelles formes de limitation de l’autonomie de la science sont (épistémologiquement) acceptables et (politiquement) désirables »
→ SND, Paris, France