Scientific events
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2nd STS Austria Conference – Innovation and Societal Transformation: Science, Democracy and Sustainable Futures
Venue: Alpen‐Adria‐Universität Klagenfurt Date: 17-19 September 2018 The dynamics and interrelationships between innovation and social change are one of the key topics in STS (Science, Technology & Society Studies), as well as a key issue in the exploration of...
Summer School – Science and Politics
Venue: University of Bonn Date: 10-14 September 2018 Recent years have pointed to ever-growing interdependencies between science and politics. The mutual entanglement of both spheres manifests on many levels: In the face of complex societal challenges, ranging from...
7th STS Italia Conference – Technoscience from Below
Venue: University of Padova Date: 14-16 June 2018 The focal theme of this 7th STS Italia Conference is Technoscience from Below. By focusing on Technoscience from Below, the conference will be an opportunity to explore alternative co-productive paths of science,...
International Workshop – STS and democracy
Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark Date: 23 November, 2017 Politics has been conceptualized in incredibly broad terms in STS (Brown 2015). At the same time, the more specific question of democratic politics has often been left under-explored, allowing notions such as public...
International Workshop – Information, Epistemic Norms, and Democratic Choice – Beyond and Below the State
Venue: Technical University of Munich Study Center Raitenhaslach Dates: 6 – 8 July, 2017 In recent years, there has been renewed interest in political epistemology, the study of the epistemic norms and conditions under which political procedures operate. In the field...
Eu-SPRI Annual Conference | Vienna 2017: The Future of STI – The Future of STI (Policy-Oriented Conference)
Venue: Vienna, Austria Dates: 7 – 9 June, 2017 In the 2017 conference we want to pay special attention to changing practices and patterns of science, technology development and innovation (STI). Not least because of the influence of ICT-enabled novel methods, new ways...
Workshop: Expertise and Expert Knowledge. What is it? Where do we find it
Venue: School of Philosophy University College Dublin Date: 29-30 May, 2017 Description Science is ultimately a product of individual scientists with their own personal backgrounds and experiences, and there is no unique methodology to de-personalize and objectify...
3rd European Technology Assessment Conference (Policy-oriented Conference)
Venue: University College Cork, Ireland Date: 17-19 May, 2017 The 3rd European Technology Assessment Conference will take place in University College Cork (UCC) on May 17th - 19th 2017. The aim of the conference is to discuss how technology assessment and related...
AID – Agora for Interdisciplinary Debate – Democratising knowledge production: Extra-academic collaboration in academic research
Venue: University of Helsinki, Helsinki Date: 8 May 2017 A process of 'democratisation' can be observed in many scientific and academic fields today. Collaboration with diverse extra-academic agents – such as private enterprises, journalists, indigenous communities,...
Workshop: Group decision-making in scientific expert committees
Venue: Tilburg University, the Netherlands Date: 12-13 April 2017 Scientists are regularly called upon to serve as experts advisors for various institutions, be it on the authorization of a new drug, the effects of climate change, or a monetary policy. Typically,...