Working Group
CIVISTI and the ideal conversation: a comparison of two modes of setting the scientific research agenda / Ordinary citizens vs Stakeholders: which “public” should participate in well-ordered science?
Session Twenty, 16th May 2018 CIVISTI and the ideal conversation: A comparison of two modes of setting the scientific research agenda Presentation: Haris Shekeris Ordinary citizens vs Stakeholders: Which "public" should participate in well-ordered science?...
An ideal ordinary citizen?
Session Nineteen, 26th April 2018 An ideal ordinary citizen? Presentation: Renaud Fine
Achieving cognitive Pareto-optimality: Democratising scientific enquiry whilst reconciling liberty and equality in the choice process
Session Eighteen, 05th March 2018 Achieving cognitive Pareto-optimality: Democratising Pareto-optimality whilst reconciling liberty and equality in the process of choice Set text: Benslimane, I.: Atteindre la Pareto-optimalité « cognitive » Démocratiser l’enquête...
The scientific expert, last fortress against post-truth? / Conferences briefing
Session Seventeen, 14th June 2017 The scientific expert, last fortress against post-truth? Set text: Carrier, M. (2010). Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Expertise: Epistemic and Social Conditions of Their Trustworthiness. Analyse & Kritik 02/2010, 195-212....
“Invisible hand” or centralised planning? A pragmatic perspective on the governance of science – Q&A Session and Discussion
Session Sixteen, 02nd April 2017 "Invisible hand" or centralised planning? A pragmatic perspective on the governance of science Question and answer session and discussion with Baptiste Bedessem based on the previous session's presentation. Download the...
A ladder of citizen participation for science policy / “Invisible hand” or centralised planning? A pragmatic perspective on the governance of science
Session Fifteen, 26th April 2017 Discussion on applying Arnstein's ladder of participation to the governance of science and the direction of scientific research Suggestion of a "Ladder of participation" : Ismaël Benslimane "Invisible hand" or centralised planning? A...
Scientific Expert Committees, Wicked Problems and Procedure (Presentation) / “A ladder of citizen participation” (Reading)
Session Fourteen, 28th March 2017 "Scientific Expert Committees, Wicked Problems and Procedure" Paper presentation in preparation for presentation at the Workshop “Group decision-making in scientific expert committees” Presentation: Haris Shekeris Set text: Arnstein,...
Science for policy and the scientification of politics
Session Thirteen, 07th March 2017 Set texts: Habermas, J. (1971). The scientization of politics and public opinion. Toward a rational society, 62-80. Weingart, P. (1999). Scientific expertise and political accountability: paradoxes of science in politics. Science and...
The governance of science and the division of cognitive labour: Q&A session and discussion
Session Twelve, 13th February 2017 Question and answer session and discussion with Baptiste Bedessem based on the previous session's presentation. Download the presentation (protected by password)
The governance of science and the division of cognitive labour
Session Eleven, 7th February 2017 Set texts: Kitcher, P., (1990), The Division of Cognitive Labor, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 87, No. 1, p. 5-22 Wray, K. B., (2000), Invisible Hands and the Success of Science, Philosophy of Science, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 163-175...
Ordering science in a democratic society
Session Ten, 17th January, 2017 Presentation adapted from Renaud Fine's contribution to the "Rencontres Doctorales Internationales de Philosophie des Sciences (RDIPS)" conference that took place in Paris, on the 26th-27th September 2016 Presentation: Renaud Fine...
An inversion of priorities : Kitcher vs CIVISTI on ideal deliberation regarding research goals
Session Nine, 14th December, 2016 Work-in-progress presentation for the purposes of the reading group. Presentation: Haris Shekeris Download the presentation (protected by password)
Tools to think about a democratic model of the governance of science (Part II)
Session Eight, 06th December, 2016 Report of the 2016 Univie Summer School - Scientific World Conceptions (USS - SWC): "Science, Values and Democracy?" Presentation: Renaud Fine Download the presentation (protected by password)
Tools to think about a democratic model of the governance of science (Part I)
Session Seven, 22nd November, 2016 Report of the 2016 Univie Summer School - Scientific World Conceptions (USS - SWC): "Science, Values and Democracy?" Presentation: Renaud Fine Download the presentation (protected by password)
Science, Democracy and Relativism : The Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge from the Viewpoint of Communitarian Epistemology
Session Six, October 10th, 2016 Shekeris, H., (2014), Science, Democracy and Relativism : The Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge from the Viewpoint of Communitarian Epistemology, Chaps. 4 and 6, Newcastle Upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing...
Power and Knowledge
Session Five, June 16th, 2016 Gaventa, G., and Cornwall, (2001), Power and Knowledge, in Reason, P., and Bradbury, H., (Eds), Handbook of Action Research : Participative Inquiry and Practice, London : Sage Publications Presentation : Renaud Fine Download the...
Böhme, Van Den Daele & Krohn, “Finalization in Science” (1976)
Session Four, May 25th, 2016 Böhme, G., van den Daele, W., and Krohn, W., (1976), Finalization in Science, Social Science Information, 15, (2/3), 307-330 Brown, M.J., (2010), Genuine Problems and the Significance of Science, Contemporary Pragmatism, 7, No. 2, 131–153...
ParPolity : Political Vision for a Good Society
Session Three, 2nd May, 2016 Shalom, S. R., (2005), ParPolity : Political Vision for a Good Society, Z Magazine / Znet, 22 /11/2005 Benslimane, I. (2015), La science participaliste ; Propositions inspirées de la théorie de l’économie participaliste Presentation :...
The Third Wave of Science Studies : Studies of Expertise and Experience
Session Two, March 17th, 2016 Collins, H., and Evans, R., (2002), The Third Wave of Science Studies : Studies of Expertise and Experience, Social Studies of Science 32/2, 235-296 Presentation : Renaud Fine Download the presentation (protected by password)
Conditions of Science: The Three-Way Tension of Freedom, Accountability and Utility
Session One, January 27th, 2016: Wilholt, T., and Glimmel, H., (2010) Conditions of Science: The Three-Way Tension of Freedom, Accountability and Utility, In M. Carrier, A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application, Dordrecht : Springer Presentation :...