Session Twenty, 16th May 2018 CIVISTI and the ideal conversation: A comparison of two modes of setting the scientific research agenda Presentation: Haris Shekeris Ordinary citizens vs Stakeholders: Which “public” should participate in well-ordered...
Session Eighteen, 05th March 2018 Achieving cognitive Pareto-optimality: Democratising Pareto-optimality whilst reconciling liberty and equality in the process of choice Set text: Benslimane, I.: Atteindre la Pareto-optimalité « cognitive » Démocratiser l’enquête...
Session Seventeen, 14th June 2017 The scientific expert, last fortress against post-truth? Set text: Carrier, M. (2010). Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Expertise: Epistemic and Social Conditions of Their Trustworthiness. Analyse & Kritik 02/2010, 195-212....
Session Sixteen, 02nd April 2017 “Invisible hand” or centralised planning? A pragmatic perspective on the governance of science Question and answer session and discussion with Baptiste Bedessem based on the previous session’s presentation. Download...
Session Fifteen, 26th April 2017 Discussion on applying Arnstein’s ladder of participation to the governance of science and the direction of scientific research Suggestion of a “Ladder of participation” : Ismaël Benslimane “Invisible...