Epistemological foundations & principles for the democratization of the governance of science
Who should decide, and how, on the big priorities of scientific research in our democratic societies? Should citizen be directly involved in the decision processes, should they defer to their elected representatives and their governments, or should they defer to scientific experts?
This project, at the interface between philosophy of science, political philosophy and political sciences explores views on the nature and role of science in our society underlying these various options. It aims at mapping out principles of a more democratic governance of science and at exploring its possible practical forms.
The three axes the project
Which presuppositions and arguments lead to the claim that scientific experts should be in charge of setting the big research priorities?
How to elaborate a contextualized view of the aims of science taking into account interactions with various components of the our democratic societies?
Which forms of citizen participation are politically desirable and epistemologically acceptable?
Closing International Workshop: Democratisation of science – epistemological issues and new perspectives
Université de Lyon, France May 28-30, 2018 Description: The two-and-half-day international workshop is the closing event of the DEMOCRASCI project, which deals with the epistemological foundations and principles for the democratisation of the governance of science...
Dominique Bourg (Université de Lausanne)
Which future for technologies between transhumanism and the ecologisation of society ? (talk delivered in French) Plenty of uncertainties plague talk of the future of technology, as well as of society in general. I will attempt to sketch two possible...